Friday, February 3, 2012

New "weekly" section..

One thing I'm really trying to increase if the amount of whole grain consumption for the children at the school.  I received a series of samples from a company called Indian Harvest ( based out of Minnesota.  I will sample one of their products every week and share my thoughts regarding the product.

First one is Greenwheat Freekeh™ (

They describe the product as "A green wheat, harvested young, that goes through a roasting process in its production. Freekeh refers to the process, while wheat is the grain. When prepared, Freekeh Wheat is an intensely flavorful grain – with earthy, nutty overtones. The texture is toothier than farro but softer than barley, and it has a meaty density and mouthfeel."

I would have to say that this description is dead on.  While cooking the product (water, salt and pepper so as not to overpower the flavor of the grain) the smell of nuts is sensational.  20 minutes or so on the stovetop and the product is done.  The end product is very good and I will mix it with a green salad and have the students give me their opinion.

Listening to Das Zelt by Jeans Team

Next week..  Bulgur Wheat, Wheat Berries, Kansas Medley™ or Whole Grain 5 Blend™??  Hmm?  You ask for it, and I will cook it.. 


Margary said...

Keep the recipes coming! I need to change my diet to a healthier alternative, and I need inspiration!

Jose Nieves-Cortes said...

I just tried it with an "Earl Grey Tea" Dressing I made and it was niiiice. Some cold Earl Grey with a touch of mustard (helps "bind" the tea and the oil) and Extra Virgin Olive Oil (anyone who uses the term EVOO will be flogged, tarred, feathered and ridiculed on a weekly basis) and done.