Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ok.. One recipe..

Passion Fruit Curd
Sugar                              8.75oz
Salt                                 1t
Lemon Zest                    5oz
Eggs, whole                   3 each
Egg yolk                         1 each
Passion Fruit Juice        5.75oz
Butter                             10.5oz

Cook sugar, zest, eggs and juice in a water bath until candy thermometer reads 180°.  Strain through cheesecloth or fine chinois into a container sitting on an ice water bath.  As soon as the product reaches 120°, run in a food processor while slowly adding butter.  If you wish to make this a sugar-free curd, replace the sugar for 1 1/2t of stevia powder.

My "new" favorite song is Walk Like Thunder by Kimya Dawson with Aesop Rock


Margary said...

Hum... I wonder where I can find Passion Fruit juice here? I think I need to try this recipe soon :)

Jose Nieves-Cortes said...

Concentrate is the way to go. You can also try the recipe with things like lemon or lime juice or even with pomegranate juice since it's somewhat tart. You might have to readjust the amount of sugar/stevia. The important thing is following the procedure to end up with a shiny, silky curd. I once made a killer ginger curd that was used in a savory application.

The best thing is making this ahead of time and then mixing it in with some whipped cream so you end up with a semi-mousse.